7 Ways To Get The Romance Back After Having A Baby

As a man, you have waited patiently in the wings as your wife took centre stage. Her health, her well-being, and her safety were of utmost importance. You have abstained from sex or pleasure for some time now. However now your wife has a wonderful glow and she looks beautiful, you are rearing to rekindle the romance once again. You are looking for ways to be intimate after having a baby....

December 17, 2022 · 7 min · 1289 words · Robert Moore

8 Tips To Improve Intimacy In A Sexless Marriage

If there is ‘no sex’, can couples enjoy the same understanding as before? Yes, if the decision of withholding sex is mutual, then this situation is still okay. There are plenty of couples who survive sexless marriage because they are on the same page. But when one of the partners wants sex and the other doesn’t, this ‘married’ alignment fails and brings an irreparable damage to a relationship. Many who have had not had sex for months/years are prone to many arguments and verbal bickering....

December 17, 2022 · 9 min · 1889 words · Timothy Hays

8 Ways Blame Shifting In A Relationship Harms It

Are these statements incessantly recurring in your relationship? Do you feel like no matter what you do, something is always lacking, and you are the only one blamed for it? If the answer to these questions is yes, you are a victim of blame shifting in marriage. Being blamed for everything in a relationship is often a way to exert control over one’s partner and can lead to severe emotional turmoil in a relationship....

December 17, 2022 · 13 min · 2657 words · Brandon Jones

A Woman With One Husband One Doting Lover And A Child From Each Man

I met her recently and noticed that age has not caught up with her. Her children have grown up, as has her own trajectory in the corporates, and now she earns a couple of lakhs a month and is content. That is a very tame way to describe her. She is wildly happy and her smile radiates a sense of victory, a constant celebration – hurray! She lived in an unconventional setup When I met her she was struggling....

December 17, 2022 · 5 min · 890 words · Richard Rindels

Are You A Hopeless Romantic 20 Signs That Say So

In an era of extreme cynicism, where sentiment and belief in true love and romance is fast vanishing, hopeless romantics are rare. But occasionally, we see them, gazing wistfully at the stars, or their noses buried in a book of poems, or crying over a romantic movie. What Does It Mean To Be A Hopeless Romantic? So, how does one define a hopeless romantic? A hopeless romantic is one who sees the world through rose-colored glasses, for whom the whole world is a collage of beauty and love, where love and romance are the ultimate goal to fight for....

December 17, 2022 · 13 min · 2581 words · Lenora Maddy

Bheeshma S Oath What Was The Real Reason Behind It

Was Bheeshma’s Pratigya Totally Selfless? He did all these, ostensibly, to make his father happy! Keeping the father completely in the dark, the ‘righteous’ son went to such an unbelievable extreme. Such a fierce discharge of filial duty is simply unheard of. Only, he was so blindly besotted in narcissistic self-gratification that he did neither care to consider whether any good father could be made happy that way nor did he care to know from his father what he actually wanted....

December 17, 2022 · 5 min · 997 words · Ethel Lilly

Born As Different Genders Married For Love

46-year-old, Aarav Appukuttan, who was born as Bindu, is getting married to 22-year-old Sukanyeah Krishnan, who was born as Chandu in September this year. Deccan Chronicle reports that the two met by chance at a Mumbai hospital where both underwent gender reassignment procedure. Sukanyeah was there for her first appointment. “We are India’s first complete transgender couple, and we are happy,” Sukanyeah admitted, adding that she is super excited that their friends and family members are finally behind them....

December 17, 2022 · 3 min · 600 words · Devon Abbasi

Cheating In A Long Distance Relationship 18 Subtle Signs

“It is ordinary for a woman to find out her husband’s cheating on her, but not if you’re the woman and it’s your husband.” -American author Melissa Banks said this once, and a truer statement has yet to be made. Is your current relationship the one that will last? Are you afraid that your partner might not remain faithful to you? Being cheated on is a horrible feeling. If you haven’t been cheated on, there are no words that I can use to describe how humiliating and dehumanizing it can be....

December 17, 2022 · 22 min · 4475 words · Ricky Mountain

Choosing Between Friendship And Relationship Friendship Over Love

My current relationship is no different…except that it’s the longest and deepest both of us have been in. Also, to my partner, friendship and love are cleanly cleaved apart. Friendship = a non-romantic, non-sexual relationship. I’m certain I’m a better friend than a girlfriend. More honest, less prone to putting up with bullshit. It’s a side of me I fight hard to keep in my love affairs and it often results in me ruining ‘moments....

December 17, 2022 · 5 min · 910 words · Doris Harvey

Dating A Woman 20 Years Younger The Top 13 Things To Be Mindful Of

Chances are you may just be a little confused as well. Is it okay to date someone 20 years younger than you? Is the relationship capable of flourishing? Should you go forward with this? Yes, yes, and if your heart is in the right place, yes! There’s no reason why you should be overthinking your prospects at love. Before you spend another moment thinking about things you shouldn’t, let’s talk about a few things you should know while dating a woman 20 years younger....

December 17, 2022 · 9 min · 1857 words · Joyce Williams

Dating In Your 40S 15 Tips To Do It Right

However, there are some differences. The older you get, the more unsolicited advice you receive. There is a wide perception that the chances of finding new relationships in your 40s are rather dim as compared to earlier decades of your life. Even if you find a partner, you may suffer from new-relationship anxiety often because you’re constantly worrying about whether you’re handling things the right way. You may also encounter some challenges and some amusing reactions when you enter or re-enter the dating ring after a hiatus....

December 17, 2022 · 15 min · 3016 words · Robert Niskanen

Do Women Like Beards 5 Reasons Why Women Find Bearded Men Hot

Recent years have seen the growth of the beard trend. Celebrities started the whole unruly look where strong-jawed men with heavy beards ruled over the hearts of audiences. Superstars, who were earlier clean-shaven, have now donned a bushy look. We have all sighed at the transformations of Brad Pitt or Shah Rukh Khan! But again, these are famous guys with beards. Let’s understand whether all women like beards on all men....

December 17, 2022 · 6 min · 1249 words · Mandy Vasquez

Domestic Partnership 4 Ways It Is Different From A Marriage And 6 Benefits It Offers

Initially created exclusively for same-sex couples, domestic partnerships have gained popularity with opposite-sex couples since it’s been made available to them. In an ever-changing world, it’s important to be up to date about the options available to you. Find out through our article how domestic partnerships are formed, what benefits they provide and if it’s the right fit for you. What Is A Domestic Partnership? First things first, let’s get the “domestic partnership” meaning out of the way....

December 17, 2022 · 9 min · 1800 words · Nita Mcdaniel

Empath Vs Narcissist The Toxic Relationship Between An Empath And A Narcissist

The empath vs narcissist equation can be described as the opposite sides of a coin, two extremes of a spectrum of sensitivity. They fit like a puzzle, two halves of a broken piece, fulfilling each other’s needs. But, ironically, the whole of this narcissist and empath relationship is never a radiant blooming source of joy but broken shards of abuse and toxicity. A narcissist empath relationship exists because narcissism by definition is a lack of empathy....

December 17, 2022 · 7 min · 1362 words · Rosario Reilly

He Kissed Me On My Forehead And I Felt Alive Again

My blood throbbed in my veins so hard that my whole body had begun to ache. I could feel my heart, it seemed. I could feel my lungs take in the breath and release it, my brain registering sights and then processing meaning into them. The world had slowed down for me. It was beautiful. It was after a long time that I had felt so alive. I sat down to see the breeze move the leaves on the trees, my feet had suddenly begun to ache....

December 17, 2022 · 5 min · 907 words · Judith Hernandes

He Told Me He Had Broken Up With His Ex

Everybody was having fun, eating and grooving on music while we sat in the balcony with our bottles of beer and started chatting. In no time we connected well with each other. We shared a lot in common. He told me about his broken relationship, future goals and his thoughts about his true soul-mate. Then, I told him about my ‘happily single’ life with just a few close friends and some career goals....

December 17, 2022 · 5 min · 919 words · Marilynn Robertson

How Do You Apologize To Someone You Love So They Know You Mean It

How Do You Apologize To Someone You Love? My grandparents had a love marriage. They dated 7 years before they tied the knot and spent nearly 65 years in each other’s company and love. Yet, they fought like children. My grandmother would make my granddad’s favourite meal as her gesture of apology. Surprisingly, it worked every time. We may not live in such simple times where a hearty meal or a saree can qualify as the best way to apologize....

December 17, 2022 · 5 min · 939 words · Marc Morrill

How Does Cheating Affect A Woman An Overview By An Expert

In order to understand better how infidelity affects a woman, we spoke to consultant psychologist Jaseena Backer (MS Psychology), who is a gender and relationship management expert. We got her views on whether and how cheating affects the cheater. Being cheated on by the person you love the most hurts. There is no doubt about it. But why does cheating hurt so much? Jaseena weighs in, “It hurts because it is a committed relationship where both partners are exclusively available only for each other....

December 17, 2022 · 11 min · 2155 words · Catherine Arnold

How To End A Relationship On Good Terms Ensure It Hurts Less

Ending a relationship on good terms mainly requires a smattering of patience and a sizeable chunk of compassion. So yes, breaking up on good terms may take a bit of extra effort, but on the bright side, it also helps in avoiding a lot of drama and messy emotions. For breaking up on good terms, you just have to stay focused on the end goal which is to not let your equation with your soon-to-be-ex turn so bitter that you can’t be in each other’s life anymore....

December 17, 2022 · 22 min · 4615 words · Lisa Mauney

How To Get Closure After A Breakup Bonobology

“How to get closure after a breakup” can weigh on our minds, especially if the breakup was seemingly out of the blue. A sudden breakup can send someone spiraling down a pit of issues that might seem impossible to cope with. And the only way out seems to be the magical dose of closure that you long for. Is closure necessary? Can we move on without it? If it is necessary, how does one go about getting closure?...

December 17, 2022 · 7 min · 1421 words · Randall Carlson